Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Seriously y'all...Christmas eve is in 26 minutes!

Not really a song but oh welllll....


"Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house, not a creature was stirring. Not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hope that St. Nicholas soon would be there."
~The Night Before Christmas

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Heehee! So I still can't believe Christmas is in less than a week! Hmmm...I guess that I'll put my letter to Snata. Because he is TOTALLY real...;) lol! But really though, even though Santa is a phony, for this post...I'll pretend he's real. :D

"Dear Santa:
How are things at the North Pole? Sometimes I wonder how the elves get all the toys done. I mean people say that they work all year, but they don't know people's wish lists until DECEMBER! But oh well, I guess if a fat old man who's still alive after hundred's of years can fly to every house in the world in one hour...the elves might be magic too. Well I don't want much this year. All I want is a:
  • Blue hound tooth patterned pea coat
  • the book Bloomability
  • a cute tshirt from threadless (preferably peace signs and such)
  • the 6th harry potter movie
  • and gift cards
as you can see it's not too much. Seeing as I all ready know I'm getting the coat from my mom and dad (I picked it out) and I asked my relatives for the book and the gift cards. I guess that's it. I don't want to ask for too much seeing as we are going to go to Disney next year which will cost a lot.
I hope that you're Christmas is wonderful too Santa. If you're flying around on Christmas eve, then you get to spend Christmas at home don't you? Hey...who puts the presents under YOUR tree?
I guess that's all.
Much love,
Abigail Moore"

Heehee! That was actually really fun! Hahahha! So I guess that's it. Merry Christmas! And let's not forget that Santa isn't the meaning of Christmas. After all, who's name is on the title? Glory to the Lord and let's remember that little baby in Bethlehem!

"Silent night. Holy night. All is calm. All is bright."
~Silent Night

Friday, December 18, 2009

IT'S SNOWING OUTSIDE MY WINDOW!!! AHAHsjkgbslfgbso;d!!!!! SO EXCITEDE! Tjhis is the first time it's snowed in December in Charlotee for as long as I can remember! AAAAA!! Maybe we'll have awhite Christmas! My first EVER! Probably not...but MAYBE!


szilfgvblsibgv;s!~! It's almost Christmas!! This is so exciting. I am baking up Christmas cookies this weeknd. ARGH! So much cooking to do. I've got like 7 different recipes if not more and have to make some of them in double batches! I hope it all gets done..hmmm..yeah. So I fifnished all of my Christmas shooping and once the cookies are done I will be able to relax and enjoy the Holidays. Hahaha.

So I bought this really pretty dress at Papaya's yesterday. I think I'll wear it to the winter ball. It was only $10!! I was shopping wiht Maddy and we both freaked out bc it was the only one left and was in my size. Plus it just SCREAMED me! ;) It's all pretty like and black and it's spaghetti strap and the bottom part breaks out into these awesome ruffles (not the little girly tacky kind)! I just love it.

Ummmm yeah that's basically it. I'll try to post every day now that it's Christmas break and I have more time on my hands.


"I want a hippopatomus for Christmas! Only a hippopatomus will do. Don't want a doll. No dinky tinker toys. I want a hippopatomus to play with and enjoy!"
~I want a Hippopatomus for Christmas
(I hav eno idea where this is from. lol)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gobble, gobble, bobble!

IT'S ALMOST TURKEY DAY!!! In honor of tomorrow being Thanksgiving, I am going to post all the things I am thankful for.
  • My mom
  • My dad
  • My siblings
  • God
  • Jesus
  • The Bible
  • My curch family
  • Friends
  • My kitty
  • Our house
  • Theatre
  • Music
  • Food
  • Schoolwork (hate to say it but it's true...)
  • Etc...(there's so much more, but I just can't think of it right now)
On another note, rehearsals are going well. I have all the info if you want to go see it. Here it is!

Date: Saturday, December 5, 2009

Time: 2:00pm and 7:00pm
Location: Lake Forest Church

Nicole Ramsey and Kate Schwab are working on an extremely exciting project within Playing for Others for their North Carolina Senior Exit projects. Both of them decided to focus their senior exit topics on art therapy, and because the topic fits in perfectly with the ideology behind Playing for Others, they asked Jen Band, the executive director of PFO, to be their project advisor. For the project, they are co-directing a children’s show, entitled “How to Eat like a Child.” The show is a fun, upbeat musical about the everyday how-to’s of being a kid.

As the Directors began the process, they decided they wanted to donate a portion of the proceeds to a non-profit of their choice. After much research and consideration, both girls met with Katy Murchinson from Arts for Life. Arts For Life is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives and healthcare experiences of children and adolescents battling cancer and other serious illnesses, Whether it’s at the clinic while receiving a round of chemotherapy or in the child’s hospital room as they recover from surgery, they are given the opportunity to create visual art with the help of a professional. After hearing extensively about the program and the impact it has, Kate and Nicole both felt as though it was the perfect match for their project. Representatives from Arts For Life will be attending the second performance of “How to Eat Like a Child” to accept the donation.

Both Performances are open to the public and ticket prices will be “Pay What You Can”. The show is appropriate for all ages and enjoyed by children and adults alike.

Cast list:
Abigail Moore
Alex Noto
Allison Whitmeyer
Emily Moore
Hayden Rockecharlie
Joe Ehrman-Dupre
Jordan Monaghan
Liza Jane Branch
Meghan Neal
Molly Smithson

Don't know about Playing for Others? Visit
Hope you all can come!

"They can force us into our PJ's, they can force us to count sheep, they can force us under the covers, but they can't force us to fall asleep! We refuse to fall asleep! We refuse to fall asleep! We've decided one and all that we're never gonna to fall asleep! We've got brownies, plenty of kool-aid, we've got mars bars for dessert. We'll read comics, listen to music. Except for when we're on DAD-ALERT!"
~We Refuse to Fall Asleep
How to Eat Like a Child

Thursday, November 12, 2009

like a child, like a child, like a chi-chi-child!

How to Eat Like a Child is going to be great! For a while my songs will prob be all from the show! I think this show is just toooo cute. It's gonna be great! :D :D

So today, for the start of How to Eat Like a Child, what better song choice then....How to Eat Like a Child, the opening number! lolsauce. I'm going to put the WHOLE song because it's so dern cute!

"If you promise not to tell, we've got quite a lot to tell. Stuff we're not supposed to do. Stuff we should, but don't cause it's too gross to do. If your shocked, don't yell! And whatever you do, don't tell!

Everyone hates turnips, but grown ups always eat them. Kids are much to smart to let a vegetable defeat them! So you can eat your turnips like a grown up, or you can drop 'em in your napkin before they reach your mouth, and smuggle them to the garbage like a child. Like a child, like a chi-chi-child. Likea child, like a child, like a chi-chi-child! Just do what you've got to do, and smuggle them to the garbage like a child.

Everyone's real nosy, but grown ups try to hide it. Find a door that says 'keep out!' you'll find a kid inside it. So you could try to hide it likea  grown up, or you could raid your parents closet, go through their dresser drawers to see what you'll get for Christmas like a child. Like a child, like a chi-chi-child. Like a child, like a child, like a chi-chi-child! Just do what you've got to do, and see what you'll get for Christmas lieka  child!

You know what you've gotta do, so just set about it. If ya gotta think about it, or fret about it, forget about it!

Even if you've grown up and lost your effervescence. Doesn't mean you can't have fun. It just means you need lessons. So you could sit there thinkin like a grown up...

or you could come along and join us, clown around the playground, jump and bump your niggin, trip and rip your trousers, lose your mitten, skin oyur elbow, and start to cry! And fifteen seconds later, fell so high! Roamin' through the wild like a...

We know what we've got to, even if we're not to!

Like a chi-chi-child. Like a chi-chi-child! Yeah!
~Like a Child
How to Eat Like a Child

Monday, November 9, 2009

Blaaaaaaaa (in a good good as blaaaaa can get!)

Sorry, it has been a real long time. Life is hectic. Like honestly...reeeeeeally hectic. I got into How to Eat Like a Child. This is Nicole and Kate's senior exit project that they are doing with PFO! There is a matinee and an evening show on December 5th. That's all I know right now but I'll get back to you ASAP! Anyone and everyone is welcome to come. The admission is pay what you can, i'll put more info on that up soon too.

No song today, so sorry. I just don't have the time to think of anything! :( Next time though, I promise!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHFAY TO HANNAH GODLESKI!!! I love you girly girl and think that you are absolutely faaantabulous! (Even though you like High School Musical! :D) You brighten up my day and you're always smiley! I loveth yee! Heehee!

"Happy birthday to yooou! Happy birthday tooo yooooou! Happy birrrthday sear Haaannaaaaah! Happy birrthday tooooo yoooooooou!"
~The Birthday Song

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sending love to Tiffy! ♥

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIFFANY JO YOUNG! I loooooooove you oh so much and miss you bundles. Even though I got to see you on sunday. Heehee! ;) But that was only for like a minute so it doesn't count. I'm so happy that I know you because if I didn't, well I just wouldn't be as happy! :D
Love love loooooove you!

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Tiffy! Happy birthday toooooo yooooooou! "
~The Happy Birthday Song

Monday, October 19, 2009

That'll be the day!


Take your mp3 player,put it on shuffle and type down the name of the song



WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? Chicken soup with rice (oh yeah, you know it!)


WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? Stop and stare

WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? May the horse be with you (ummm...okay)


WHAT IS 2+2? Black bird (DUH!)




WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Faking my own suicide (depressing)



WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? Stars and the moon (aaaaaaaaw. This song is so pretty. I recomend it to anyone and everyone)

WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL? I will glory in my redeemer



WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Something (but you don't know what! Mwahahahahaha)



WHAT'S THE ONE THING YOU REGRET? Hard to say goodbye

WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH? Legally Blonde (Heehee. I have tears coming out of my nose!)

WHAT MAKES YOU CRY? Bite my tounge (Doesn't it make evrybody?)



DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU? Fathoms below (Heehee! He's a MERMAID! I


WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW? I do, I do in the sky

WHAT DO YOU MOST OFTEN EXCLAIM? the joy of motherhood (hahahhahaha.....noooooo)




WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SIGHT TO SEE? the light in the piazza

WHAT MAKES YOU GAG? Do you love me?

WHAT ARE YOU BEST AT? Happy together





WHERE ARE YOU SITTING? Poor unfortunate souls


WHAT DO YOU MOST LOVE? Strawberry fields forever (they are delish!)

WHAT IS YOUR SECRET NAME? Piragua (ooooooh yeah. You don't even know what it means! That's why it's a secret. SHHHH!)

WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS? That'll be the day

And here's my quote! :D

"I'll give you stars and the moon and a soul to guide you, and a promise I'll never go. I'll give you hope to bring out all the life inside you and the strength that will help you grow. I'll give you truth and a future that's twenty times better than any Hollywood plot."
~Stars and the Moon
Songs for a New World

Saturday, October 17, 2009


So Sunday we are going to the Butt's after church to tye-dye! YA-YAY-UH! This is really embaressing, but I have never tye-dyed. NEVER! So I'm kinda excited. I've got a shirt to do, a tank top, and socks. Heeheehee. I will wear them every day of my life! :D

And the song is Somewhere over the rainbow...becasue rainbows have tye-dye! Heehee! :D

"Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true. Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me. Where troubles melt like lemon drops. Away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me."
~Somewhere over the Rainbow
The Wizard of Oz

Friday, October 16, 2009


OMG GUESS WHAT?!?!? We just found ANOTHER black widow in our yard. My mom found this one when she was cutting down a little dead tree. It was hiding in the trunk. She SMASHED it with a shovel. Scaaaaaary spiderrrrrr! EEP! This one wasn't quite as big as the other...but it was still pretty giant!

Social Context

This week for literature, I have to write about the social context of Huckleberry Finn. I will be talking about the seperation and bringing together of people.

The story takes place around the abolitionist movement. As we all know there was much seperation around that time over the matter of skin color. In Huckleberry Finn, Huck has grown up with slavery so he doesn't really see what's wrong with it. But as he gets know Jim, he sees that skin color does not make someone different. When they run away on the raft, they are forced to spend all of their time together. Huck learns a valuable lesson that not many people in that day and time cared about. He learns that just because someone looks diferent, that does not make them lower than you. When Huck was struggling with the idea of turning Jim in, he realized that he would just be turning in a friend. Would he turn Tom Sawyer in if he ran away? No. So neither would he turn in Jim. It shows that even back then, people could put aside their differences and come together.

"The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. I can say it ain't so, but darlin, what's the use? The darker the chocolate, the richer the taste. And that's where it's at. So run and tell that."
~Run and Tell That

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Makin up a song about Coraline...

So I watched Coraline today...again. Because that movie just never ever gets old. And I've got the song that the Other Father sings STUCK IN MY HEAD! It goes something like this...I'm not sure if it's exactly right...Teehee! :D

"Makin' up a song about Coraline! She's a peach, she's a doll, she's a pal of mine. She's as cute as a button in the eyes of everyone who ever layed their eyes on Coraline. When she comes around explorin' Mom and I will never ever make it boring. Our eyes will be on Coraline!"
~the Coraline song
the Other Father

Monday, October 12, 2009

I had an incredible weekend! On Friday I went to the PFO Halloween party. Here's me and my sis in our costumes. She was from the 80's and I was a 1920's flapper! :D

It was a ton of fun! Saturday me and Becca got to hang out wiht Erika and we had a PFO teen board meeting. It was great. And then Sunday, I got to meet my buddy! She is soo sweet. Her name is Molly, and she is the best!

That's basically my weekend. It was a good one!

"But the fact is everything today is thoroughly modern. Bands are getting jazzier. Everything today makes yesterday slow. Cars are getting snazzier. Men say it's criminal what women'll do. What they're forgetting is this is 1922!"
~Thoroughly Modern Millie
Millie and Ensemble
Thoroughly Modern Millie

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Goood day. Just saying. The girl in the coop, Maddy, came back from the beach this week and she's awesome. Love ya, girly!

Fabric painted leggings for Becca's halloween costume with her. Mine is all ready. I even tried it on and such and it's fabulous. It's just too cool. :D And tonight is VEGAS WEEK on So You Think You Can Dance!! What!?!?! I'm a little excited. My life has been so busy and it's been so hard keeping up with school work. Soemtimes it gets so frustrating. Biology is fine, but as you saw in the last post, geometry is SUCH a time consumement. But I'll live! Friday is the PFO costume tricks and treats party. I am sooo excited. Saturday is a teen board meeting, and sunday I get to meet my buddy! I can't wait. She seems like the sweetest little thing EVER! I just can't wait!! :D :D :D :D :D

Random song that JUST got stuck in my head.

"Popular. You're gonna be popular. I'll teach you the proper ploys when you talk to boys. little ways to flirt and flounce. OOH! I'll show what shoes to wear, how to fix your hair. Everything that really counts, to be popular. I'll help you be popular. You'll hang with the right cohorts, you'll be good at sports. Know the slang you've got to know! So let's start cause you have an awfully long way to go!"

Friday, October 2, 2009

Proof it. Yuck

After my crazy week last week, I am waaaay behind in school. Specifically Biology and Geometry. So I have to do two of everything a day now. Blech. I was cool with that, but geometry just started getting harder. PROOFS WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME!!! They are sooo hard. For anyone reading this who hasn't done geometry yet, enjoy algebra while you can. Geometry is something to be dreaded. It's so hard. Maybe it's just me. Idk.

"I'm not that smart. My siblings have been telling me that for years. That I'm not smart. We're schooled at home, they see who's bright. It breaks my heart. I'm not that smart."
~I'm Not that Smart
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

no noise

So yesterday I lost my voice. Pretty bad too. I could talk raspily, couldn't sing, and it hurt to swallow. It was a mess. So today I put myself on total personal vocal rest until about from 8:00-2:30. And it just so happened that today was coop. So it was interesting. For French I just listened but for other classes I had to write stuff down. It was kinda cool actually, but it is soooo hard for me not to talk for more than 5 minutes. So I really struggled. My voice still hurts now, but you know. It's a whole heck of a lot better.

OH YA!! yesterday and the day before was Allie's birthday party! It was fabulous. I had a ton of fun! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLY! Again. teehee. I have had two sleepovers in the past few days. So fun! :D

PFO retreat weekend was nothing short of FABULOUS! So much work being a secretary, but not as much as the teen exec or chairs. So I'm good. And I can finally announce to the public that I am priviledged to be secretary of the fabulous SILENT AUCTION COMMITTEE! Now this is where stuff gets interesting. If you guys or anyone you know, would be interested in donating some high value items, PLEASE CONTACT ME!!!! I mean ni ce stuff though. Not the junk you find in your closet that has been handed down twenty times. You will be such a help to PFO, and to the kids that we're working with.

Yesterday was my first CTC class of the year and it's going to be great. SUPER intensive though. I don't know how I'm going to juggle all the things in my life this year. I'm so busy, but I love it. Tomorrow was going to be voice, but I think we're cancelling since my voice still isn't in the prettiest shape. We'll see.

OH YEAH! And we're doing Halloween this year, and I know what I'm being! A FLAPPER!! All ready got the dress. It's going to be soooo fab!

So, I think that it's completely appropriate that I close with the new PFO cheer for my song! It's sort of a copying cheer. Hence the parenthesis! :D

"I said a-PFO! (I said a-PFO!)
I said a-PFO! (I said a-PFO)
I said a-chilling with our buddies and a-making love grow! (I said a-chilling with our buddies and a-making love grow!)
Uh-huh! (Uh-huh!)
Make that change! (Make that change!)
I said a-PFO! (I said a-PFO)
I said a-PFO (I said a-PFO!)
I said a-working on committees, on a journey we'll go! (I said a-working on committees, on a journey we'll go!)
Make that change, PFO! Make that change, PFO! Make that change, PFO! Make that change, PFO!!! WOOOO!"
~2009-10 PFO cheer

Friday, September 25, 2009


HEy!!! It's Cherry Berry And I am on Abby Moore's lovely blog! I loooove her like bananas amzing much! She is amazing and I know that yall love her too! It's Caroline btw...
This weekend is starting off fabulous with the pfo retreat and an awesome sleepover at Abster's house!!
Right now it is really late! soooo ya kinda happy, wait REALLY HAPPY!!!! haha
I fell rully important bc I am on a blog, which is cool, yep!
PFO is gonna be so fun this year! Even though I am a new person it is really really ahmazing!!! We have lots of togetherness, it is already like a fam! Super duper fun right?
Well tonight we watched Coraline which was creepy but really good! I liked it bunches! Abby had alreadty seen it! haha so good! She got to watch me flip out...alot!!
We also had a lot of icecream in this amazing flavor called MONSTA COOKIE!! So good! You have to try it! It's blue bunny!
Btw her cat is the cutest thing ever.. when it comes to cats! Her name is Hermia but you probably know that! She is fabulous!
Anyway we aren having a blast, lots of fun, and laughs, so enjoy her blog!
Love ya girly

"Have the strenghth of a corsing river
Have force of a great typhoon
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon"

Be a man
Mulan ♫♪♫

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy, happy, happy!!

I am so happy! As you may all ready know, I love to be busy. I can't stand not doing anything. And school does NOT count as doing something!! And I haven't been busy at all lately, so I'm just kinda...bored. But this week, my life starts up again! Coop, the PFO RETREAT!!! birthdays,  Sleepover with my BFF Caroline (Cherry Berry! Stay posted for picturess!), church, birthday parties, my CTC CLASS!!! more birthdays, and voice lessons, and  Aaaah! My fabulously busy life. I love it!

"Three little birds sat on my window, and they told me I don't need to worry. Summer came like cinnamon, so sweet. Little girls double dutch on the concrete."
~Put Your Records On
Corinne Bailey Rae

Monday, September 21, 2009

Run aways

Today I will be doing another post for my literature class in coop. We are reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. And I'd like to compare Jim's escape to "freedom" to Huck's escape to "freedom".
    First off, we'll start with Huck. Huck was being held by his drunk dad, who was practically imprisoning him. He would not let Huck out of the house unless he needed Huck to do something for him. But he would never let Huck out of the woods that they were secluded in.
    Jim on the other hand, was actually a slave, but his mistress, Miss Watson, gave him a lot of freedom. He was able to have his own money and invest it in whatever he wanted. He was even aloud to go places sometimes.
    So, I would like to venture that Jim was actually more free than Huck. It took more effort for Huck to escape, and even then, he had to make people think that he had died. Jim, he just walked away.
    But, in my opinion, even though they seem to be free from their past ailments, they are not all together free. They still have to hide way on an island for fear of getting caught. They are not aloud to show their faces to anyone who might recognize them. Their lives are really quite restricted. Maybe even more so than before they escaped. At least for Jim.
    Their escapes really showed some of their personality too. Huck, underneath all of his superstitions, is actually a really smart kid. He made people think that he was killed by robbers, when really he had just left. Jim is smart, but I don't think quite as witty as Huck. His superstitions get the best of him, and that's all he really knows and believes. Jim, just saw a chance to leave, and did. He knew everyone would know he ran away, but that was okay with him.
   So, I would like to conclude that Huck's escape showed that even though he wasn't actually a slave, he was enduring more slavery than Jim. He had to really work just to, well, leave.

"Can you hear this soul? It's crying. My soul is crying, calling out to you.Will you come and wash over me like only you can do. Will you freedom? Will you freedom?"
~My Freedom
Krystal Meyers
Make Some Noise

Sunday, September 20, 2009

♥ little kids!!

Okay, so I love working in Children's Ministry at my church because the kids are just so darn hilarious!!! It was the first time that I've helped in the three year old's class since the new kids have come in and they were all sooooo funny! Seriously, whether it was Naomi dancing with me during worship and chasing me around the room with a puppet frog, or Phillip singing Veggie Tales songs to me. I just loooove them!

For my quote I'll do the song that the kids sang during worship! lolsauce!

"The lions may grow weak and hungry! (rawr!) The lions may grow weak and hungry! (rawr!) The lions may grow weak and hungry! (rawr!) But those who seek the Lord lack no good thing."
~The Lions May Grow Weak and Hungry

Saturday, September 19, 2009


So last night I watched Coraline and it was REALLY good. It was a lot creepier than I was imagining it to be. I mean a LOT creepier, but I loved it! :) I would deffinately reccomend it to anyone who like incredible movies. Hahaha! I love Tim Burton movies soooooo much. He's a creepyfabulous genius!

So today is National Talk Like a Pirate Day. So....ummm...Yoho! Best be talkin' like a pirate or you'll be walkin' the plank, mateys. I don't know...hahahahha! :)

"We are the pirates who don't do anything. We just stay home and lie around. And if you ask us to do anything, we'll just tell you, we don't do anything!"
~The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything
Veggie Tales

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

mmkay! So check out this awesome HARRY POTTER theme park area that's being built inside Universal Studios in Orlando. It's going to be the only one in the world!! They're making it with the help of J. K. Rowling and the designers and stuff from the Harry Potter movies. I am such a big Harry Potter nerd that it's not even funny! I really hope I can go sometime. IT OPENS IN THE SPRING!!! OMGSAUCE!! I want to buy myself some Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Beans at Honeydukes and a wand at Ollivanders!!!! It's so exciting I think I might cry. Lol! :)

So I know I all ready did a Relient K song, but they're so good, I have so many songs, and this just fit perfectly!

"Cause theme parks are so much more fun when the sun's outside. Oh na, na, na, na, na. I lost my phone to the lake beneath the Batman ride. Oh na, na, na, na!"
~Chapstick, and Chapped Lips, and Things Like Chemistry
Relient K
Two Lefts Don't Make a Right...But Three Do

Thursday, September 17, 2009

and all that jazz...

Today was coop. It's a lot of funnn! I got to hang out out with the younger girls who are purty rockin! Also I had voice lessons today. We're working on jazz. I'll put some lyrics to the song I sang for my quote! :) And TONIGHT IS THE SEASON PREMIERE OF FRINGE!! I get hooked on soooo many TV shows. Especially fabulously nerdy Scifi shows. I get it from my daddy! LOVE YOU! Anywhooo..I can't wait because...I we know that Peter's from another DIMENSION! I mean, I suspected it all along...but OMG! lol. Ya'll probably have no idea what I'm talking about! :)

"Behold the way our fine feathered friend his virtue doth parade. Thou knowest not, my dimwitted friend the picture thou hast made. Thy vacant brow and thy tousled hair conceal thy good intent. Thou noble upright truthful sincere and slightly dopey gent. You're my funny valentine. Sweet comic valentine. You make me smile with my heart! You're looks are laughable, unphotographable. Yet you're my favbotie work of art."
~My Funny Valentine
Nina Simone

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Second day in a row that I've posted two times! Heehee! But I just had to say it! SYTYCD is on again tonight. I'm pretty sure. LAst time I was wrong. But someone is a little crazzzy bout that show. Guess who? ME!! Hahahaha!! Anywhooooo you can't get enough So You Think You Can Dance!!
EEEEEEP!!! Seriously though. I highly recomend this show. Even for those of you who don't like cheesy reality shows. I'll go far enough to say that it is DEFINATELY better than American Idol. It's not like Dancing With th Stars where they do ballroom and (no offense to anyone who likes it, this is juts my opinion) not incredibly well. These people are just...omigorsh...incredible!!!! Have I made my point clear? lol! :P


Okay. So I have to do this crosspost for my literature class at coop. I had to choose one other person from my class to make a post about a post that they made. I know, confusing, but bear with me. Anyways, I chose to post about Steven's. That kid is like a little genius! I never thought that way when I was his age! He blogged about his idea of truth. I completely agree with everything that he said here. His idea of sin not wanting us to be happy? Again, may I say, GENIUS!! But can I add to that thought? Sin doesn't want us to be happy in a Godly way, true. But it gives us the temptation to find happiness in a material way. So sin does offer "happiness", but not the happiness that God wants us to have. Thanks, Steven for such an insightful post! :)

"This world is like a trampoline. High and low, no in between. Jumping at the chance to please. Everyone, but that's not me cause all that matters is, all that matters is, I know your love has set me free. That's all that matters to me!"
~All That Matters
Addison Road

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Okay. So I know I all ready posted today...buuuut! I needed to share this. I just found the most gigantic black widow in me garage! It was HUGE!! I was tooo scared to get close to it, so my sister took the pics with my camera. Oh, and since I all ready posted today I don't need to put a quote do I? Anyways here they are!

buckets of birthdays I know of FOUR people with birthdays in the next couple weeks! That's A LOT when you want to buy presents for all of them! But anyways, my mum's birthday was yesterday! Happy belated birthday, Mommy!! and my brother and sister's are later in the month. Then my friend Sarah's. So yesterday I went out and spent allll my money. But it was worth it! I also bought myself some new shortsss. Good stuffs! :) Last night I watched Dreamgirls for the first time. Yes, the first time. All you CTC kids, don't judge. lolsauce. I liked it. Some pretty incredible singing.

"Oh oh oh, woke up today. Feeling the way I always do. Oh oh oh, hungry for somethingthat I can't eat. Then I hear that beat. That rhythm of town starts calling me down. It's like a message from high above. Oh oh oh, pulling me out to the smiles and the streets that I love!"
~Good Morning Baltimore

Monday, September 14, 2009

Gooooood daaaay

Had a great time yesterday for the part of the church picnic that I could actually go to. But it was okay leaving because the PFO meeting was INCREDIBLE! Unfortunately, I can't tell you anything about it. It's Top Secret! Ssssshhhh!! Wish I could. :)

"I'm just a someone in an old museum. Far away from home as someone can go. But the beauty is I still meet people I know. Hello! This is wanting something. This is reaching for it. This is wishing that a moment would arrive. This taking chances. This is almost touching, what the beauty is."
~The Beauty Is
The Light in the Piazza

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Youth Group last night was FABULOUS! Ummm...tomorrow is church and the church picnic to welcome back Grace! :) And I have a PFO meeting. YESSSSSS!!! PFO is finally starting up again. I am so excited about being a secreatry for this year! For those of you who don't know all ready, Playing for Others is a nonprofit organization of teens who raise money for a different nonprofit that targets children with disabilities each year through the arts. To find out more, check out I loooooove it! :)

"Beautiful colors that came from you. So this one goes out to the reds and yellows and blues. And of course I can't forget, all the beautiful colors of the day that we first met."
~Around the Clock
The Rocket Summer
Hello, Good Friend

Friday, September 11, 2009

Things NOT on TV and such

Okay...sooo...SYTYCD was NOT on last night. Which was really annoying bc I was expecting it to be, but the football game was on the other channel and no one's gonna watch a dance show when there's a football game...aside from me...*sigh* But the season finale of Fringe from last year was on, and I hadn't seen it so I watched that. I am SUCH a huge Scifi geek. Season two starts next weeeek! :)anywhoooo...There's Youth Group tonight at church and that'll be fun. We haven't had a meeting in like...MONTHS!! So I'm excited. I ♥ Youth Group. Umm...not much else happening here. OH YEAH!!! My kitty has like superpowers. I'm not lying. She's Mighty Kitten. Seriously, she's pretty coolioliscious. She like can run up walls and is faster than a speeding bullet. She does backflips off of my legs....ya. 

Welllls here's the quote!

"We should get jerseys, cause we'd make a good team. But yours would look better than mine, cause you're out of my league. And I know that it's so cliche to tell you that everyday I spend with you is the new best day of my life. Everyone watching us just turns away with disgust. It's jealousy, they can see that we've got it going on!"
~Must Have Done Something Right
Relient K
Five Score and Seven Years Ago

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I honestly don't have anything to say...but I promised I would try to post. So let's seee...hmmmm...I think I'll just ramble. You don't have to read this if you don't want to. Okay ummm....SYTYCD was good.  It's on again tonight at 8 on Fox for anyone who wants to watch it. Right now they're just auditioning. It really is incredible. I ♥ IT! I wish I could dance like that. Most of the really good people were contemporary girls though. Not many other styles made it through...although actually there were 3 tappers who made it. That's a lot. Ummm....tomorrow is youth group. Excited for that. First real meeting in like....months! So it should be great. That's really it. Sorry for boring you! Now for the song lyric of the day. Here it is:

"I'm just a little bit caught in the middle. Life is a maze and love is a riddle. I don't know where to go. Can't do it alone, I've tried and I don't know why."
~The Show

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance (dance, dance, dance, dance)!!

Okay. So today was the first day of coop. It was pretty cool I guess. I REALLY like French, but now I'm doing TWO french curriculums. A LOT to remember, but I'll manage, since it is my fav. :) ummm...I like lit. Geography, Church History. That's everything. So I guess I like it allll! Heehee! I can't wait till the other girl in the class comes back from the beach or wherever she's at though bc...I'm the only ninth grader, and only girl right now. Yup. Don't get me wrong, the other people are awesome, but it's good to have someone you can relate to.


EEP! I'm also soooooooo excited....becaaauuuseee....TONIGHT IS THE SEASON PREMEIRE OF SYTYCD!!! For those of you who don't know, that's So You Think You Can Dance. Favorite reality show....EVAH! Hopefully someone good will win this year...not like last year. No offense to anyone who liked Jeanine, but I sooooo wanted Jason to win!He was such an INCREDIBLE dancer. But ya! Also, after that Glee is on. That show was OKAY...I'm not sure if I'll watch it or not....but ya. That's basically it. Not much going on.

Here's the song of the day! :)
"I'm an accident waiting to happen. I'm a mishap about to ensue. I'm the toy on the stair. The three legged chair. The hem that's been caught by a shoe."
~Accident Waiting to Happen
Robert and Janet
The Drowsy Chaperone

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So I got a blog! Yays! I really don't have much to say. But ya. I'll try to post regularly, but don't get mad at me if I forget...because I probably will...heehee. I think that every entry I'll put a song lyric and where it's from. Just cause. So here we go!

"We were walking there, and I had tangles in my hair. But you make me feel so pretty. You have shining eyes. Yes like those forest lights. And it makes me want to cry. I love you!"
~Brightly Wound
Room Noises

That's my favorite song! :)