Saturday, May 22, 2010

wow...just WOW! :)

Opening night was da bomb yesterday!!! We rocked the mullet (cast joke ;) )

In other news, today our cast went to support the other three onstage shows and they were phenomenal. I have to say seeing the musical was an odd experience for me. The past five years I've been in the it was really odd seeing it from the audience point of view...and a bit more sentimental than I expected.  :P But ya was all good. The shows were fabulous! I was so impressed with the young show...Jungal Book. Those kids knew how to play an audience. :) And Crane Wife was.....wonderful and moving. And Mattress...I LOVE MY MUSICAL BUDDIES THEY ROCKED IT!!! I was impressed this year. Especially since it was all new directors. CONGRATS ONSTAGE ENSEMBLE!!

"Another Opening, another show. A chance for stage folks to say hello. Another opening of another show!"
~Another Opening, Another Show
Kiss Me Kate

Thursday, May 20, 2010

final dress

Last dress rehearsal y'all! I'm so excited. The plays goign to be pretty great...I will be hard to understand...this show is deffiantely one of Shakespeare's more complex, but it is looking fabulous,
CONGRATS TO MY FRIENDS SARAH AND MADDY WHO MADE THIS SEASON'S PFO!! I am so happy for them...and excited bc..I love them  d^.^b

"Come on, come on, let's take a chance now. We could fall in love. Come on, come on, let's
 take a chance now. We could fall in love."
~Marsh Kings Daughter

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


This shows going to be soo impressive...especially if I can make my changes in time. hahahahaha.

(because it's stuck in my head)

"Stay with me, the world is dark and wild. Stay a child while you can be a child. With me."
~Stay With Me
Into the Woods

Monday, May 17, 2010

To Stelle

Loves Christelle and is praying for her! <3 you bestie! <3 <3

"WE sign our cards and letters 'BFF'. You've got a million ways to make me laugh. You're lookin out for me, you have my back. It's so good to have you around."
~True Friend
Miley Cyrus

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Today my brother is graduating from college. That is weeeird. I feel so YOUNG! Either that or so old...can't figure out which.
So yesterday was youth group. That was really awesome. Last real meeting until SEPTEMBER :O
Aaaaand yeah. I'm ready to welcome in the Summer very very soon.
I LOVE THE SUN! Have I mentioned that? I honestly don't care how hot it is. It could be 183 and I wouldn't long as it's not that hot in my house...which it usually is because my mother never ever turns on the A/C >.< But you know...I've learned to live with it!

"It's too darn hot! It's too darn hot! I'd like to cool with my baby tonight. Break every rule with my baby tonight. I'd like to cool with my baby tonight, break every rule with my baby tonight, but pillow, you'll be my baby tonight cause it's too darn hot!"
~Too Darn Hot
Kiss Me Kate

Thursday, May 13, 2010


So today at rehearsal everyone was singing Justin Beiber and now he won't leave my head! I don't even like Justin Beiber!! What is this world coming toooooooooo? :O
Anywhoo thought you all needed to know.
PS I'm gonna try to start blogging daily again..if I don't, feel free to smack me next time you see me.

"And I was like Baby, Baby, Baby Oooooh! Like Baby, Baby, Baby Oooooh! Like Baby, Baby, Baby Ooooooh! I thought you'd always be mine, mine."