Thursday, May 13, 2010


So today at rehearsal everyone was singing Justin Beiber and now he won't leave my head! I don't even like Justin Beiber!! What is this world coming toooooooooo? :O
Anywhoo thought you all needed to know.
PS I'm gonna try to start blogging daily again..if I don't, feel free to smack me next time you see me.

"And I was like Baby, Baby, Baby Oooooh! Like Baby, Baby, Baby Oooooh! Like Baby, Baby, Baby Ooooooh! I thought you'd always be mine, mine."


Hannah said...

hahaha I have a mental image of Emily doing the "hand motions" in my head whenever i see/hear that song!

Abby said...

There's new hand motions now! O_O They're even weeeirder.

Hannah said...

haha you must show them to me at some point