Monday, September 21, 2009

Run aways

Today I will be doing another post for my literature class in coop. We are reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. And I'd like to compare Jim's escape to "freedom" to Huck's escape to "freedom".
    First off, we'll start with Huck. Huck was being held by his drunk dad, who was practically imprisoning him. He would not let Huck out of the house unless he needed Huck to do something for him. But he would never let Huck out of the woods that they were secluded in.
    Jim on the other hand, was actually a slave, but his mistress, Miss Watson, gave him a lot of freedom. He was able to have his own money and invest it in whatever he wanted. He was even aloud to go places sometimes.
    So, I would like to venture that Jim was actually more free than Huck. It took more effort for Huck to escape, and even then, he had to make people think that he had died. Jim, he just walked away.
    But, in my opinion, even though they seem to be free from their past ailments, they are not all together free. They still have to hide way on an island for fear of getting caught. They are not aloud to show their faces to anyone who might recognize them. Their lives are really quite restricted. Maybe even more so than before they escaped. At least for Jim.
    Their escapes really showed some of their personality too. Huck, underneath all of his superstitions, is actually a really smart kid. He made people think that he was killed by robbers, when really he had just left. Jim is smart, but I don't think quite as witty as Huck. His superstitions get the best of him, and that's all he really knows and believes. Jim, just saw a chance to leave, and did. He knew everyone would know he ran away, but that was okay with him.
   So, I would like to conclude that Huck's escape showed that even though he wasn't actually a slave, he was enduring more slavery than Jim. He had to really work just to, well, leave.

"Can you hear this soul? It's crying. My soul is crying, calling out to you.Will you come and wash over me like only you can do. Will you freedom? Will you freedom?"
~My Freedom
Krystal Meyers
Make Some Noise

1 comment:

Amber Benton said...


I know you didn't, but it's almost as if you, Maddy and Jonathan had a pow-wow before you wrote your posts! Very good job, and the lyrics are perfect.

Mrs. Amber