Thursday, September 10, 2009

I honestly don't have anything to say...but I promised I would try to post. So let's seee...hmmmm...I think I'll just ramble. You don't have to read this if you don't want to. Okay ummm....SYTYCD was good.  It's on again tonight at 8 on Fox for anyone who wants to watch it. Right now they're just auditioning. It really is incredible. I ♥ IT! I wish I could dance like that. Most of the really good people were contemporary girls though. Not many other styles made it through...although actually there were 3 tappers who made it. That's a lot. Ummm....tomorrow is youth group. Excited for that. First real meeting in like....months! So it should be great. That's really it. Sorry for boring you! Now for the song lyric of the day. Here it is:

"I'm just a little bit caught in the middle. Life is a maze and love is a riddle. I don't know where to go. Can't do it alone, I've tried and I don't know why."
~The Show


Hannah said...

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ THAT SOOOOONG!!!!!!!!
C ya tomorrow!!!

Christelle said...

i love ♥ song!!!!! =P

Abby said...

I ♥ that song tooo!:) It used to be my fav, but Brightly Wound took its place. I couldn't find any songs that fit my I just did one of the best ones ever invented! hahaha

Unknown said...

Hey. blogging is putting down your thoughts and what you're intrested or what's been goin on in your life. its about you. so if you bore other people...not your problem! lol. So you don't need to appoligize about it! plus, someone is always going to be interested in something you have to say. Like ME! <3
p.s. that song gets annoying when you sing it all the time. But I still love it! And SYTYCD rocks socks!

Abby said...

I suppooooose. Woah. Since when do I say suppose? Hahaha. I sing that song just to annoy you! JK!

Anonymous said...

haha, put down whatever you want dear. like Becca said, that's what blogs are for. =)

Christelle said...

i need to hear brightly wound...=P

Abby said...

Yes Christelle darling, you DO need to. Everyone does. Seeing as it's the best In my opinion! :)