Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Legally Blonde

So, I'm a musical theatre junky...and yes, no matter how cheesy it may be, that does mean that I enjoy Legally Blonde the Musical.
And it's stuck in my head... :P For those of you who don't know, Legally Blonde is about the cheesiest musical EVER. Here's a short, short synopsis:
Elle Woods is her sorority's leader. She has everything, including dream boyfriend Warner. When she thinks that Warner is going to propose, he ends up dumping her because he is ging to Harvard Law and needs someone more serious. So Elle, the pink loving sorority queen who carries her dog bruiser around in her purse, applies to Harvard and gets in. She wants to prove to Warner that she is just as serious as anyone else. Over time she becomes the top of her class, winning cases all by herself in the first year. Warner proposes, but she realizes that she doesn't love him anymore. She loves Emmet, the guy who taught her that she needed to work hard and have a chip on her shoulder. They get married and live happily ever after. The end.

"Here you'll become what you're supposed to be. You think you can't, but you can! Think of the guy that you want most to be. It's your chance to make it. So take it like a man."

and here's another verse...

"That's the best part: the outside is new, but now it reflects what's all ready in you! Couldn't change that if  Iwanted to. And I...do not."
~Take it like a Man
Emmet and Elle
Legally Blonde: The Musical

Oh, and I also have this one stuck in my head! It's Legally Blonde...from Legally Blonde...hahaha the title song!

"Back to the sun, back to the shore! Back to what I was before. Back where I'm known; back in my own very small pond! Laugh with my friends when I arrive. We'll drop the top and just drive! That's fine with me. Just let me be legally blonde."
~Legally Blonde
Elle Woods
Legally Blonde

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