Friday, October 2, 2009

Proof it. Yuck

After my crazy week last week, I am waaaay behind in school. Specifically Biology and Geometry. So I have to do two of everything a day now. Blech. I was cool with that, but geometry just started getting harder. PROOFS WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME!!! They are sooo hard. For anyone reading this who hasn't done geometry yet, enjoy algebra while you can. Geometry is something to be dreaded. It's so hard. Maybe it's just me. Idk.

"I'm not that smart. My siblings have been telling me that for years. That I'm not smart. We're schooled at home, they see who's bright. It breaks my heart. I'm not that smart."
~I'm Not that Smart
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee


Christelle said...

oh, i'm sorry that you are having a hard time. i will be praying for you.
♥ ya girly!

Hannah said...

I haven't done geometry yet cuz we do algebra 1 AND 2 before geometry. Mom says that it's easier that way :D
Ohhh and biology is not that bad after you finish the dissections ick!!!!!
I can't even look at a raw fish anymore :P

Abby said...

Ya. I'm just doing it the way they do it in schools. I dunno. Wanted to get it over with. And I'm actually not that frustrated with Biology. I don't like it, but it's not hard.

And thanks Christelle. I ♥ you too!

Unknown said...

Song choice = BRILLIANT! that's like one of my fave songs too! :O)

Abby said...

Yes, honey, yes.

Darcy Herlihy said...

OOOOh I hate geometry! I feel for you!

Abby said...

I know, right. It's like, "it's a sguare all right? Why do I need to prove to you that it's a square when you can just look at it and tell it's a square?!?!" It's pointless.

Christelle said...

haha! i love your definition of geometry, abby!!

p.s. i miss you!

Abby said...

Aw! Miss u too love!